Recent Graduate Student Activities

  • Current Anthropology MA Student Sarah Wenger won 2nd place in the 2020 University of Miami Institute for the Advanced Study of the Americas (UMIA) Graduate Student Research Paper Competition, for her undergraduate thesis entitled “Examining Variation in Intentional Cranial Modification in Ancient Tucume, Peru”. Way to go Sarah!

  • Current Anthropology MA Student Sergio Papa Ruark, whose research focuses on the phenomenon of the Two-Spirit in Native American communities, had planned on spending summer 2020 attending multiple Native American Powwows and Gatherings; plans that were profoundly affected by the COVID pandemic. Instead, he chose to offer a small tribute while traveling to the mountains of Colorado. Inspired by the Native American Two-Spirit community, he danced honoring his art, culture, and ancestors who keep these forms of cultural expression alive.

  • 2019 Anthropology MA graduate Vincent Moloughney thesis research (Particle size matters: The effect of particle size on carbon and oxygen isotope composition of bone hydroxyapatite) was recently published in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology, the premiere journal in the field of Biological Anthropology. Congrats Vin!
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  • 2019 Anthropology MA graduate Danielle Pinder’s thesis research (An isotopic study of dietary diversity in formative period Ancachi/Quillagua, Atacama Desert, northern Chile) was recently published in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology, the premiere journal in the field of Biological Anthropology. Way to go Dani!
    Click here to read research paper >>
